
Donation2 Writeup


Http parameter pollution

HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) is a technique where attackers manipulate HTTP parameters to change the behavior of a web application in unintended ways.

In this challenge, we need to duplicate the to parameter


Firstly, as same as challenge Donation, we first created a account with initial amount of 1000 and try to donate negative amount to gain money. However, this time it turns out that it does not work.

Then we tried to implement Http parameter pollution approach, where we duplicate the to parameter, the payload will be like this:


By doing such, we actually bypass the restriction ( we cannot donate to other users initially ) and donate money to other users.

![[Pasted image 20240503185700.png]]

As such, what we need to do is to create mutiple account and donate money to account with username 12345( which we created initially). By repeating this a few times, we are able to get the flag by using 12345 account

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